During this uncertain time when many are getting financial help, there are resources available for writers.
Financial Support for Writers
- A guide to economic relief for authors and freelancers, from the Authors Guild
- Poets & Writers offers grants to a limited number of its members in April, and also maintains a list of other financial resources (grants, funds, and more)
- PEN America offers the Writers’ Emergency Fund to all types of writers. You don’t have to be a member to apply.
- Kickstarter has a running list of artist resources
- The Society of Authors (UK) has an Authors’ Emergency Fund
- The National Endowment for the Arts will distribute $75 million in relief to arts organizations
- Artist Relief, a US-based initiative organized by national arts grantmakers, will distribute $5,000 grants to artists (including writers)
- The Writers’ Trust of Canada and The Writers’ Union of Canada have launched a relief fund
- Australia’s Copyright Agency offers support grants for artists of all kinds
- Substack is offering no-strings-attached grants to writers who use its newsletter service
- Publishers Weekly is keeping a list of special offers and discounts of all kinds to help readers, booksellers, publishers, and authors