When I heard you were killed 100 days in—there came a strange new blue over me, Frank. Took awhile to get my head around it. I know—I can hear you laughing, “Why you being sappy, Coop?” No way i could tell you what you meant to me in high school, Frank. You were the first […]
The last time we spoke Earl casually referred to a health issue. I had no idea until later that it was a serious illness. We had talked over a period of a year about ghostwriting and publishing the story of his full and remarkable life. Averse to the idea at first—his personality naturally opposed to […]
Posted by Wayne |
Wednesday, 11 November 2017 |
The last Thanksgiving Mom hosted in her home was her best ever. She had hosted my family, and others, the previous fifteen Thanksgivings—all were very good. But her last Thanksgiving was really special. To give you an idea of the effort Mom put into that Thanksgiving: she began by shopping all of the food and […]